
Twinkle Meet Up!

The Twinkle meet up finally happened and I didn't chicken out this time! Although there was a moment when Samantha said she couldn't make it as the poor thing wasn't well, I almost chickened out!!! Me meeting 5 guys... A lilttle daunting to say the least! But I went anyway and glad I did! We had a great time! We met up in Canary Wharf after work in Browns. Marc, Adam, Rob, Chris and I had a couple of drinks in the beer garden then we decided to go to the restaurant and get some food and then more drinks! The evening went pretty quickly I thought, but then time flies when you're having fun! lol!
I am certainly up for another meet soon! Hopefully the week after next as I will be in Cornwall next week! Don't worry though I will be twinkling away, probably even more than usual! lol! Why break a habit of a lifetime :P Getting my iPhone has got to be one of the best things I have ever got! For many reasons!!! Apple... I love you!
Swanny xx