
Weather, Cats and Plans

The weather here is pretty crappy at the moment! I have been pleased that I have been able to just relax though! I have hockey again tonight but I am a little worried about getting injured again. I think I might just go to the gym instead as this is still only pre-season. Although, skills training is so much fun, I don't really want to miss it so maybe I will go!
I was cat sitting again last night! It was really nice! I was on my own and it gave me time to relax and think. I feel that over the past few months I haven't had much of a chance to think about life and things that are going on. Especially as next week I won't get too much time to myself as I'm going away with my bfs pretty large family. It's going to be great fun though.
I am really keen to do as little as possible when I get back from that though as it really has been a manic year. I think it's time to think about what lies ahead and plan a little. Obviously not on the man front as men are so unreadable it's frustrating. At least with women you know where you are!!! You men out there have it easy! Anyway, I need to think about what lies ahead work wise as I am still temping. Although long term, I have to accept that my position may not be needed after Xmas and then I will be left in rather an unwanted predicament! I am still really hoping they need me though! Fingers crossed!
Other than all that, I have a Twinkle meet on Thurday which should be fun. Gotta say I am a little nervous as I can get pretty shy meeting new people. It's also pretty strange as we all kinda know eachother to speak to but will we be as talkactive face to face! I guess we shall find out...
Right, that's all for now.
Swanny xx